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제 19 호 Interview with Francis Brannen, Professor at the Department of General Education

  • 작성일 2023-08-10
  • 좋아요 Like 3
  • 조회수 8497

Kicker: SM NEWS 

Interview with Francis Brannen, Professor at the Department of General Education

By Da-Hwee Kim, Editor-in-chief



  From school days to employment, English has an inseparable relationship with our lives. Celebrating the second semester, I conducted an interview with Professor Francis Brennen of the General Education Department in order to help you with your English-related concerns. Let's take a peak at the interview!

1. Hello, it is a great honor to have an interview with you. Before we start, please introduce yourself briefly!

  Hello. My name is Francis Brannen and I’ve been working at Sangmyung University for over ten years under the Department of General Education. 

2. I know that you have been teaching students at Sangmyung University for a long time. Based on your experience, what was the most difficult part for the students in learning English during the class?

  During class? Hmm.. This could vary per student, but I believe one of the most difficult parts is having the students speak up in English in front of their classmates. It can be incredibly uncomfortable for students to speak in front of an audience, even within their own peers. But to speak up in English can be very stressful. Most students are used to lecture-style courses, but to speak up with all eyes in the classroom on that student can be traumatizing. 

3. Even though Korean students have gone through at least 9 years of regular English education, there are not that many students who speak English fluently, which is a big irony. Why do you think that is?

  This could be related to students being prepared for the College Entrance Exam where they must master skills such as reading, vocabulary and grammar. Speaking skills seem to take a backseat when it comes to English education especially in high school. However, the speaking abilities of our students seem to increase each year. This has been very noticeable during my time here at SMU. Each year the new incoming students seem to have increased abilities in speaking. 

4. In addition to transforming the current education system, what attitudes should students take on an individual level to help solve this fundamental problem?

  A major problem is the process of entering university via the College Entrance Exam. Now that are students are over this hurdle and now an official college student, students should have the attitude of taking on their desired dreams and life goals. There will always be pushes to change the name of departments, to create or remove certain majors, to redesign curriculums which are meant to be effective for the future of our students, but students must focus on their goals and wishes. Students should follow the plan that they feel is right for them. Study what interests them and what they believe in. Choosing a path that relates to the students’interest and goals could be a way to help solve some of the problems our students face in the current education system. 

5. Can you introduce some English Liberal Arts classes or studying materials that students would find useful?

  Unfortunately, the number of English Liberal Arts classes have been reduced over the past few semesters. Withing those offered, I’d recommend English Enrichment: Speaking. Also, if students are interested in taking an online course, the other available course is English Enrichment: Enrichment English through Cultural Understanding. These would be the two English Liberal Arts courses available for our students at the moment. 

  As for study materials… hmm.. It depends on the specifics of what the student wishes to study (grammar, vocabulary, writing or speaking). There are a great number of sites students can use to help them study English. Sites such as Prepfly, British Council, Duolingo, and TED provide good materials for students who wish to study or improve their English. However, some are paid services.

6. Lastly, if there is anything you would like to say to the students of Sangmyung University, please.

  Please enjoy your time in college. Make the most of your time in university. Join school clubs, study and or travel abroad, participate in school programs, experience an internship, volunteer, have a mentor or be a mentor. This list could keep going, but college is just a short few years of your life, but make it a memorable and worthwhile experience. Good luck to you all this Fall Semester!

  Thanks again to Professor Francis Brannen who agreed to the interview, and I hope you find this interview useful!


https://www.schoolnetindia.com/blog/how-to-learn-english-speaking-at-home/ (Image)